348 Foxwell Rd Coomera QLD 4209
Coomera - Gold Coast Queensland - great location - a must for any developer to view.
Comprising of:
* Land area 3.39 ha
* Local authority Gold Coast City Council
* 33 dwellings per ha
* Has preliminary approval
* Preliminary development 98 dwellings plus 1800m2 commercial use
* Development mixed use
* Res A housing allotments
* House units, duplex units and commercial use
* There are 29 development lots
* There are 98 development dwellings
* Frontage of this is to main road, public transport route, utility access, water, sewerage and gas
This redevelopment site is 1km to propose Coomera Town Centre, train station and the M1 North and South.
Vendor is determined to sell - price on application.