23 Bennelong St
BEENLEIGH Qld 4207 It is time for this solid brick investment to change hands and give someone else the opportunity.    The modern timber floors give this place a touch of comfort while the location ensures you sleep well at night and escape the hassle and bustled of day to day living.     Inside the large living area easily accommodates the seating arrangements and large television, the bedrooms are away from the hassle and bustle and outside you have an area to light the BBQ. The kitchen is a great size so as long as someone does the shopping you have plenty of space to prepare it in.     Key Features are:  - 3 Bedrooms  - 1 Bath  - Large Living Area  - Land 625 sqm 

23 Bennelong St

It is time for this solid brick investment to change hands and give someone else the opportunity.
The modern timber floors give this place a touch of comfort while the location ensures you sleep well at night and escape the hassle and bustled of day to day living. 
Inside the large living area easily accommodates the seating arrangements and large television, the bedrooms are away from the hassle and bustle and outside you have an area to light the BBQ. The kitchen is a great size so as long as someone does the shopping you have plenty of space to prepare it in. 
Key Features are: 
- 3 Bedrooms 
- 1 Bath 
- Large Living Area 
- Land 625 sqm 

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