23/2 Robertson Rd Ledge Point WA 6043 This unit is located over the road from Havachat General Store in a block of 8. A short stroll to the beach and Tavern. Freshly painted and renovated, walk in walk out, you won't be disappointed this little gem. Bathrooms - 1 Bedrooms - 2 Lounge/Dining - 1 Storeys - 1 Water Closets - 1

23/2 Robertson Rd Ledge Point WA 6043

This unit is located over the road from Havachat General Store in a block of 8. A short stroll to the beach and Tavern. Freshly painted and renovated, walk in walk out, you won't be disappointed this little gem.

Bathrooms - 1
Bedrooms - 2
Lounge/Dining - 1
Storeys - 1
Water Closets - 1

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